Tech #3...Yep, No Proposals Please...

So it's tech number three, folks, and you know the drill.

Don't propose to me.  

Anyhoo, we closed They're Playing Our Song last night which was truly a fun time!  Although the ensemble doesn't do as much as I prefer or I am used to, I not only loved choreographing the show, but watching two new friends tackle this huge two person show.  I can memorize a lot of lines but wow, I am still in awe of how many lines both Becka and Jake had down.  Awesome.  And I'm very excited to have new friends--some here, some in LA, and some in NYC (insert happy shake fists hands)!  Hooray!

On a different note, yesterday I was able to talk to my best girlfriend from college and oddly enough, the reason that I ever made it to SCRT at all.  We hadn't been able to talk in four months because of several reasons-for one huge reason, she had a gorgeous baby boy in March, I finished a long contract in New Hampshire and after that contract ended, a week later, I was thrown into the wonderful madness here in Colorado.


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