Love is...

Love is your partner telling you to go to bed the minute you walk through the door of your home after a long of travels because he knows how much sleep you require.
Love is then him staying up to care for the dog who is bounding around the apartment because she's so excited your home.
Love is waking up the next morning and opening the fridge to hurriedly make a coffee and then you see your lunch box. It's full of food for your work meal today because he stayed up and did that too-because he knows how much you hate having to use your lunch time to go get it somewhere else.
Love is all of these things. And though I'm blurry eyed, spent and probably don't smell the best from a wonderful long weekend-my love comes in a guy who did some simple things to make my morning even better. So today, though I know it's important to see the hate in the world so we can diverge and learn from it, I'm going to focus on the love in my life. And In my heart. ...And in my lunchbox. ðŸ˜‰


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