Saying Thank You Is...

This is an old post from my facebook wall but thought it might get your Tuesday to start off right.  Just say thank really is that easy.

Today, as I was on my early morning commute to work, I was driving in the section that I always dread. It's where the traffic gets insanely thick and people are constantly cutting one another off, getting into turn lanes just to skip practically everyone who is on the slower side, to only then almost cause an accident by swerving to get into the correct side after bypassing all others. Then there are cars on cross streets where these people don't have traffic lights and are frantically trying to pull in when there's not even a second of space. Those in the other lanes won't allow these on the side to pull in for fear of wasting more of their time or precious space.

And today, at 7:30 AM, I was on the main line of traffic, whilst I could tell that another person was trying to get across traffic to our side. Though I had the green light, I somewhat begrudgingly allowed this person in. They slide into their new spot in front of me in their shiny red car as I muttered under my breath, "Well, you're welcome...".

And then it happened. The young woman, rolled down her window and waved with her left hand in thanks to me. I paused as I could see her eyebrows raised in her rear view mirror trying to show me a smile.

She thanked me. And without even thinking about it, I chuckled at my morning angst and smiled.

There is kindness and love in the world. You just might have to look a little closer to find it. ...And take a moment to laugh at yourself in the meantime. 
#LoveIsActuallyAllAround #KindnessCounts


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