
Okay. So I'm not denying it. Or saying I haven't known full well that I've been...well, sort of behind. But let's face it... Life happened and I sort of fell behind IT. So I couldn't much keep up with the blog in addition to the amount of things I was trying to keep up with. -hangs head- Shameful. So, this morning, I ventured back to my blog, I thought to myself, 'Oh, I know I've been slacking but it can't be THAT bad. It can't be THAT long since my last post..." September 30th. September 30th?! Um. This is what I have to say to that. So. In this respect, I have NO idea where to start. But I CAN share pictures and tell a little readers digest of the last month and a half. Since my last post I have enjoyed an apple orchard and apple donuts. Good for a dancer, I know... I've worked hard...carving pumpkins. I told you. Hard work. Apple pieeeeee...