Duck and Ribbit! How Did You Get There?!

So, I had all of these brilliant ideas for my blog today.  Jokes.  Stories.  Pictures.  I love being inspired and coming up with new ideas for this fun part of my life now.

And yet, late tonight I walked into my room and this is what I find....

Duck and Ribbit just out having a good time on my bed!  What?!

Now, for those of you who don't boyfriend, Matt, often loves to leave my favorite stuffed friend, Duck, in hysterical positions when I leave my apartment (in New York) so that I can return after a long day of work and see him in a certain fun situation and it always, without fail, makes me laugh out loud.

Tonight, when I walked into my room, my wonderful roommate and one of my best friends, Tommy, had put Duck and Ribbit in this position knowing full well of Matthew's antics in New York.

I unintentionally and unexpectedly missed Matt a lot today-no special reason.  Just did.  And I am certain that I vocalized my feelings a few times to Tommy in a mutter of, "I miss Matt."  Simple.  Short.  To the point.  And to make me smile, yet not forget my missing of my man, left me this hysterical/giggling/fun present on my bed.


That is all.

Love love,


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