It's Funny, Isn't It
So I had to get to work early this morning. Like an hour and half early early. Which means, for my commute here in NYC, I had to be up at 7:15 AM. Granted, this is not the first time I've gotten up at the crack of dawn to make ends meet (I've been known to get up at 4:30 AM to get to a place in the city at 6 AM...) but knowing that doesn't make it any easier. Yet, when I arrived at the store early this morning, after I had bought my $1 bagel from the gentlemen who enjoy my presence in their store a little too much, but I don't mind because I know that my bagel should cost more, after I had let in the plumber (the whole reason I am here early this morning), I turned on Adele's album, 21--which I am currently, utterly, overly obsessed with at the moment. And I couldn't hold it in. In my long apron, braided pigtails and around tables of pottery and teacups of water, on a wooden floor in a random store in Tribeca that probably most pe...