Where Is My Time and What Did You Do With It?

"Maybe love doesn't mean being willing to give up everything for someone else.  Maybe love means giving up just some things just to see them or to make them happy.  Because I want to see him happy.  It makes me happy to see him happy.  But if I give up everything for him, I won't be happy anymore."

One of my wisest best friends, Kathleen, said this the other night at Mother Burger in midtown.  Over frozen margaritas and fattening foods, my wonderful friend and I discussed her married life and my crazy New York life.  

And I told her and keep telling myself that I can't believe it.  I've been in a relationship for four months.

Now granted, my longest relationship was about a year or so, which is not bad, I suppose.  And I have been in some great relationships.  I have been in love before.  I have been loved before.  I've been very lucky for most of my "track" record, to be most blunt. 

But I have hurt.  I have been hurt.  And with love and any relationship that involves any serious amount of trust, romantic or otherwise, there is always a chance for pain.  I suppose vulnerability does that to you.

 I don't know if I've ever been in a relationship where I felt free, like an adult, like we make decisions together.  

And I don't know if I've ever realized it until now...I never knew that I could seriously love someone other than me.  Much less, be concerned with someone else's happiness. 

Anyway, in part, it's been four months.  And it feels like it's been so much longer, in the best way possible. 

Love love,


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