It's Funny, Isn't It

So I had to get to work early this morning.  Like an hour and half early early.  Which means, for my commute here in NYC, I had to be up at 7:15 AM.  Granted, this is not the first time I've gotten up at the crack of dawn to make ends meet (I've been known to get up at 4:30 AM to get to a place in the city at 6 AM...) but knowing that doesn't make it any easier. 

Yet, when I arrived at the store early this morning, after I had bought my $1 bagel from the gentlemen who enjoy my presence in their store a little too much, but I don't mind because I know that my bagel should cost more, after I had let in the plumber (the whole reason I am here early this morning), I turned on Adele's album, 21--which I am currently, utterly, overly obsessed with at the moment.   

And I couldn't hold it in.  In my long apron, braided pigtails and around tables of pottery and teacups of water, on a wooden floor in a random store in Tribeca that probably most people in Manhattan don't even know that it exists, I began to dance., sort of.  More of just...dancing.  Turning, feeling the music, bending and break my body to where it needed to go.  Just...dancing. 

There are so many talented people in the world who never "make it".  There are so many untalented people in the world who do make it--whether it's because they are always in the right place at the right time and met the right person.

But what is the right person anyway?  What makes that person the right person and what means that you've made it?

Here I am, dancing in a pottery store.  To a song written and sung by a talented girl who is younger than I.  More famous than I could ever be right now and I'm two years older than her. 

But I am talented.  I'm beautful.  I'm intelligent. 

But there will always be people in every realm of the business who are prettier than me.  More talented.  Thinner.  Older.  Younger.  Taller.  Sexier. 
Not to mention, plenty of people out there look so similar to me, which is even freakier.

A hard pill to take but the city makes you swallow such truths.

Yet, as I look out the window, when I've finally stopped dancing only because the song ended, I realize that the chain of events in my life are just astounding.  If I'd taken the Florida theatre job after I finished at Show Palace, I would have never come up to the city to audition for The Palace Theatre.  If I hadn't had Kirsten's wedding to attend, I would have taken another job that I was offered in the city and I wouldn't have done Cabaret.  And then, I wouldn't have met half of the closest friends/family I would make in my life, I wouldn't have moved to NYC, wouldn't have moved in with Patrick, wouldn't have met Matt and be celebrating our 5 month in two weeks...

None of that would've happen.

And yet, even though I'm in my mid twenties.  Even though I freak out over money a little too much.  Even though I skip meals because I know it's cheaper.  Even though I haven't "made it".  Even though I'm dancing in a pottery store at 9 AM.  I've made all of the right choices. 

I've made all of the right choices. 

And I will make it.  Especially when I decide what making it means.

Here's to living in New York City for six months...and many more months to come.

Love love,


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