It's Tech...So Don't Propose to Me!
Hello one and all!
Wow. It's hard for me to believe this as I type it, but ohmygod, we're in TECH.
But no, really. How are we here already? I mean, how the hell did that happen?
No matter how it happened, though, it's a delight to be here! What an amazing ride and experience this has been thus far. I have to admit, I haven't had this many lines in quite some time, nor have I had the chance to do a straight show in years. Again, wouldn't trade my dancing life for anything but this change of pace is divine. And working with such divine cast members and a director who knows exactly what she wants is...just, well, awesome. I've honestly learned something every day since I've been here.
In other news, on our day off Matthew and I had a day of adventure-yahoo! We went to Trinidad State Lake which was just breathtaking, hiked three or four trails--the longest being a mile. It was so nice to be outside, enjoying the fresh air, the different scenery, and sharing it all with the man I love.
And then, Matthew taught me to climb outside.
Um. Well, that was an experience.
Let me first say, I did not die (nor would I ever doubt Matt's judgement in what I can or can't do) and I climbed a fifteen or twenty foot rock by the Trinidad mountain sign. And once I got the if-you-wanna-call-it-getting-the-hang-of-it (Matt said I did, but of course, I'm his girlfriend...) I really truly enjoyed the climbing!
However, when you climb something, more often than not, you are required, at least at some point, to come back down.
This was no easy task for me, to say the least.
The idea of having to sit in your weight with your feet in front of you as you are 'bouncing' down a mountain (even while knowing completely full well that Matt would never ever let me go or that I was in no real danger) is perhaps the most terrifying feeling I've ever experienced. I squealed a lot and refused to come down more than once but in the end, despite my pleading and resistance, every time I climbed up, I (well, eventually) made it down.
Now, I won't be climbing anything at Matt's level any time soon (and certainly not this summer) but it's a fun sport to experience with him and I am sure we'll get to do it a few more times during our days off. And it is yet another good excuse to be smiling and out in the sun. :)
Anyway, pictures are attached below. Soon, hopefully by tomorrow soon, we will have internet in the convent (YAY!) and so I'll be able to keep up with my posts more regularly!
Until next time...
Love love,
Wow. It's hard for me to believe this as I type it, but ohmygod, we're in TECH.
And since it's tech I would like to make an announcement in very SMASH style: Please do not propose to me.
Wait a second, forget the please.
NO ONE PROPOSE TO ME. Got it...You hundreds of people waiting outside my convent door?
Okay, good. Glad we got that covered.
But no, really. How are we here already? I mean, how the hell did that happen?
No matter how it happened, though, it's a delight to be here! What an amazing ride and experience this has been thus far. I have to admit, I haven't had this many lines in quite some time, nor have I had the chance to do a straight show in years. Again, wouldn't trade my dancing life for anything but this change of pace is divine. And working with such divine cast members and a director who knows exactly what she wants is...just, well, awesome. I've honestly learned something every day since I've been here.
In other news, on our day off Matthew and I had a day of adventure-yahoo! We went to Trinidad State Lake which was just breathtaking, hiked three or four trails--the longest being a mile. It was so nice to be outside, enjoying the fresh air, the different scenery, and sharing it all with the man I love.
And then, Matthew taught me to climb outside.
Um. Well, that was an experience.
Let me first say, I did not die (nor would I ever doubt Matt's judgement in what I can or can't do) and I climbed a fifteen or twenty foot rock by the Trinidad mountain sign. And once I got the if-you-wanna-call-it-getting-the-hang-of-it (Matt said I did, but of course, I'm his girlfriend...) I really truly enjoyed the climbing!
However, when you climb something, more often than not, you are required, at least at some point, to come back down.
This was no easy task for me, to say the least.
The idea of having to sit in your weight with your feet in front of you as you are 'bouncing' down a mountain (even while knowing completely full well that Matt would never ever let me go or that I was in no real danger) is perhaps the most terrifying feeling I've ever experienced. I squealed a lot and refused to come down more than once but in the end, despite my pleading and resistance, every time I climbed up, I (well, eventually) made it down.
Now, I won't be climbing anything at Matt's level any time soon (and certainly not this summer) but it's a fun sport to experience with him and I am sure we'll get to do it a few more times during our days off. And it is yet another good excuse to be smiling and out in the sun. :)
Anyway, pictures are attached below. Soon, hopefully by tomorrow soon, we will have internet in the convent (YAY!) and so I'll be able to keep up with my posts more regularly!
Until next time...
Love love,
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