Showing posts from 2012
Silence is Golden
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Soooo...I haven't updated in quite some time. I'll be honest, since I've been back in the city, it's been a bit of a whirlwind and readjustment. When I first got back, I was relieved to finally be in my spacious apartment with only me and my roommate. (Confession: I love living in actor housing, I'm thankful for actor housing, but sometimes you want to get OUT of actor housing... especially after doing it for a year.) And I was relieved to sit in my recliner and watch tv when I wanted. I could scrapbook and not think about having to move all of my shiny new supplies in a few months when I knew I would have to leave. However, I wasn't sitting in my recliner much or scrapbooking either because I was working. And working on working. I was temping for $12 an hour and when I would work 40 hours at the US Open, because of lovely taxes, I would get $300 for the week of hell I endured. And then, of course, I immediately flipped out on ...
Toot Toot Toot! (That's My Horn...)
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I really should denote a time every week to write. Write whatever. Because you know what? It's incredibly therapeutic and I think I'm good at it. No, I'm not going to be a published author any time soon and no, I'm not tooting my horn, but I do believe in myself, what I am good at, and what I truly enjoy doing. Writing is one of these things. However, that time will not be set aside until I find a full time job here in the city. Yes, I have about five jobs at the moment which somehow miraculously pays my rent, but I am currently looking for one job because, well, I'm going just a bit batty trying to make a schedule around my super hectic work life. Not even including auditioning right now. Anyway, I'm now done with complaining. At least I have some sort of jobs (all 7 of them), an awesome roof over my head, and a life that many people would kill for. Reality check. Check. Now, I want to share with my reader...
Ok ok ok...
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Okkkkaaaayyy. Yeah, I have gone to write this post times. And because of it, I now have drafts saved all over the place on this website because...well, apparently, I'm just a little to distracted a little too easily. SQUIRREL! Sorry, couldn't resist. Anyway, it feels as though a thousand things have happened since the millions of years ago (I may exaggerate time to time...) in which I actually updated this blog. For one, They're Playing Our Song closed and Matt and I had to say goodbye to some truly awesome people and new friends (luckily, some of them live in NY!). My third tech at the SCRT has come and gone. My last opening night was last night and it was for Fox on the Fairway. The Aurora Colorado shooting in the cinema at the midnight shooting has unfortunately happened. From which I have a family member's friend and a cast member's child's friend who have both been unjustly murdered and passed. The Chick-Fi...
Tech #3...Yep, No Proposals Please...
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So it's tech number three, folks, and you know the drill. Don't propose to me. Anyhoo, we closed They're Playing Our Song last night which was truly a fun time! Although the ensemble doesn't do as much as I prefer or I am used to, I not only loved choreographing the show, but watching two new friends tackle this huge two person show. I can memorize a lot of lines but wow, I am still in awe of how many lines both Becka and Jake had down. Awesome. And I'm very excited to have new friends--some here, some in LA, and some in NYC (insert happy shake fists hands)! Hooray! On a different note, yesterday I was able to talk to my best girlfriend from college and oddly enough, the reason that I ever made it to SCRT at all. We hadn't been able to talk in four months because of several reasons-for one huge reason, she had a gorgeous baby boy in March, I finished a long contract in New Hampshire and after that contract ended, a week later, I was throw...
Forever Young
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Forever young. The above image is one that, if I am ever brave enough (let's just say, I won't be sober), it'll be the tattoo that I will have engraved on my body. Buuuttt, I have a feeling that won't be anytime soon. I freely admit that I am a 100% little girl/scared chicken/pathetic case when it comes to pain, especially involving needles. Passing out is often involved when I'm getting a shot of any kind... Shameeee. Anyhoo, I bring this up because I have been absolutely astonished with two particular people I share the stage with in On Golden Pond . Clyde, who portrays Norman, the ornery old man and Diane, who plays his consistently positive wife, Ethel, are two of the finest actors I have had the pleasure to share the stage with. They are also two people who have an abundant amount of energy that is not only amazing, but refreshing and uplifting. I only hope that when I am in 77, like Clyde, I will be half as energetic b...
It's Tech...So Don't Propose to Me!
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Hello one and all! Wow. It's hard for me to believe this as I type it, but ohmygod, we're in TECH. And since it's tech I would like to make an announcement in very SMASH style: Please do not propose to me. Wait a second, forget the please. NO ONE PROPOSE TO ME. Got it...You hundreds of people waiting outside my convent door? Okay, good. Glad we got that covered. But no, really. How are we here already? I mean, how the hell did that happen? No matter how it happened, though, it's a delight to be here! What an amazing ride and experience this has been thus far. I have to admit, I haven't had this many lines in quite some time, nor have I had the chance to do a straight show in years. Again, wouldn't trade my dancing life for anything but this change of pace is divine. And working with such divine cast members and a director who knows exactly what she wants is...just, well,...
On the Road Againnnnn!
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Hello one and all! Well, we made it! Hooray! After some super long hours in the car...lots of Starbuck energy drinks drunken by me and plenty of Five Hour Energy's gulped down by Matthew...we MADE it. Thank the Lord. Luckily, on the way, I was able to meet my beautiful niece, Amelia and visit with my brother and sister in law. See below. (I swear to God that she smiled AFTER we took this hysterical picture...) And after that, we made it to Matthew's parents house in Ohio to have a evening of an amazing meal prepared by Mama Rose (I am just need to get that recipe...!), a wonderful sweet face dog named Blue (Below!), and a comfortable place to relax and hang out with Matt's family. And fast forward to Colorado...below the sign that cheeringly greets us as we crossed the state line. And once we tiredly rolled into the little town of Trinidad, Matt's mouth dropped as to the beau...
I'm Off! New Haircut and New Headshots in All!
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I'm off! Well, almost... I leave the city on Friday morning with my boyfriend. Although I am beyond ecstatic about our adventure of a summer in Colorado and the amazing shows and roles he and I will play while we are out there, since I have been back in the city I have a huge sigh of relief and confirmation on how much I love living here. Much less, how much I love my freaking apartment! Anyway, a get together tonight, seeing friends tomorrow, and meeting my niece of Friday in Baltimore with my brother and sister in law. Word on the street is that she looks like me, which I have to admit, I don't hate. :) So, that's all for now. BUT I am leaving some of my favorite headshots/body shots/and me being stupid fun (ie being ME) thanks to my friend Tom Waltz for taking them! Enjoy and feel free to leave comments on your favorites! Love love, Adrienne
A New Chapter
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It's a new post because soon, I'm turning the page and starting a new chapter. I have spent the last (almost) nine months at the Palace Theatre in Manchester, New Hampshire. Perhaps one of the hardest jobs I have ever taken on, due to long hours, constant multi tasking, living in cast housing, and sometimes just learning how to do certain parts of my job! It's been an ever changing, ever learning, ever awesome experience in which I have learned SO much. In my nine months at the Palace, I have: Choreographed the PYT production of Alice in Wonderland Jr. Choreographed the PYT production of Mulan Jr. Choreographed the PYT production of Annie Jr. Taught 3 dance classes every weekend to the Apprentice, Intermediate, and Advanced Teen Companies. Choreographed and Co-Directed the Apprentice Company's production of Honk Jr. Choreographed and Co-Directed the Apprentice Company's production of Dear Edwina Jr. Perfor...
2012...Where Do You Start?
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So, I'm going to admit to something... This was not my first attempt to start a blog for the new year. ...Actually, this is my fifth try... Which is odd for me, to say the least. I'm used to getting an idea (whether it is for the stage, for my website, for my blog or for my life) and pretty much running with it. Now, I will be honest. Five months ago, I somehow believed that I could, and moreover, would , post a picture everyday. Although there was a certain novelty in this brilliant idea--letting my friends and family see what I've been up to, making myself unwind with creative non fictional writing, so on and so forth--it just wasn't feasible because, let's face it, when I did have the time, I was so exhausted that even the thought of looking at the computer disgusted me. And thus, I obviously backed away into a corner with my tail between my legs, accepting the defeat that I did not, and will not be posting a picture everyday nor blo...